Hello everyone!

My name is Jerry Bailey, and I am currently on active duty in the United States military, with dreams of becoming a full-time entrepreneur once I retire. I have been in the service for 16 years and assigned to 5 different duty locations within the United States. My most current duty has me serving as a Flight Commander overseeing the feeding, fitness, lodging, and postal operations at my current installation. The military has taught me many important life lessons, including the importance of inclusion, accountability, sacrifice, and leadership. I have had a very blessed military career, and it has given me the opportunity to not just create a family at work, but one at home as well. I met my current wife, of 13 years, at my first duty station, and we currently have 2 children.

My dream to become a full-time entrepreneur, stems from my desire to continue being a service to others, but in a different capacity and across a larger space. The digital environment has opened doors for many small, part to full time, business owners and has enabled the growth potential of larger business owners. My hope is that my services provide aspiring business owners, influencers, and anyone around the world, desiring an online presence, all the tools that they need to not only succeed in the online digital space but thrive in it!

Jerry Bailey

My Recent Posts

Email Marketing

Check out my recent post on email marketing.

Website Hosting

Check out my recent post on website hosting.

DIY Website Builder

Check out my recent post on DIY website builders.


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All-in-One Sales Automation Platform

Check out my recent post on all-in-one sales and marketing tools and what I think of it.

Sales Funnels

Check out my recent post on sales funnels and what I think about them. Are they still worth it?

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